Seat of the Soul Project.
Gary Zukav’s, www.seatofthesoul.com to be translated in over 100 Languages with the help of ACCU Translations and its partners Clay Tablet, Across Systems and ProZ.com.
Toronto, Canada – July 21, 2008 – ACCU Translations, a leading provider of translation and localization services since 1975, will be funding and managing the translation of www.seatofthesoul.com, the Web site of Gary Zukav and his Seat of the Soul Institute, into over 100 languages.
Accu Translations has made this offer in order to assist Gary Zukav, #1 New York Times best selling author and frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show, in sharing his empowering and spiritual messages to a much greater global audience.
“We’ve pulled together some of the world’s leading translation technology companies to work on this mammoth translation project,” said Steve Desmeules, President and CEO, Accu Translations. “We’re very proud to have made this special project possible with the generous help from Clay Tablet, Across Systems and ProZ.com. All these companies will be providing technology and resources to help Accu Translations fund this worthwhile global project.”
The Seat of the Soul Institute has recently consolidated and centralized its Web site and content by using a multilingual content management system (CMS). Clay Tablet’s leading edge connectivity and integration technology will be used as the translation hub to seamlessly automate and co-ordinate the content being routed ‘to and from’ the CMS to the translation software provided by Across Systems, who are well known as a leading software platform to centralize language resources and for controlling translation processes and workflows. Accu Translations will oversee the management of the entire project and will implement a unique “crowdsourcing” approach in collaboration with ProZ.com, the web’s largest community of translation professionals. “This is truly a remarkable technology project for our Web site and mission,” said Gary Zukav, Co-founder of the Seat of the Soul Institute. “We want to assist individuals around the world in creating meaning and purpose, creativity and health, joy and love, and the Internet is a superb means of communicating this message. The translation of our Web site and book content into over 100 languages is a truly ambitious project for which we are grateful to Accu Translations and their partners for providing us with this opportunity.”
Clay Tablet is pleased to be a technology provider for this project,” commented Robinson Kelly, CEO and Founder of Clay Tablet Technologies. “Connecting technologies together to streamline the flow of content in such a unique, beneficial and global project is what we do best. A tremendous amount of content will flow through this system, and the flexible, multi-point routing capabilities of Clay Tablet will be crucial in making this charitable project a success. We’re excited to be working with a great team of partners to make this happen.
Robinson Kelly, CEO and Founder of Clay Tablet Technologies