The importance of integrated logistics support software cannot be overstated. With so many different components involved in a complex system, having a centralized platform that can manage logistics data, create reports, and provide technical support is essential for success. Raytheon’s EAGLE toolset is a prime example of a powerful and comprehensive logistics software system.

As the Canadian reseller of EAGLE Logistics Toolset (ELT), we understand the importance of providing our customers with the latest and most effective tools for managing their logistics needs. The EAGLE Logistics Toolset (ELT) has been designed to support programs throughout their entire lifecycle, from design and development to field operations and maintenance.
Our team works directly with Raytheon to ensure that the software is easy to use and meets all your contractual requirements. We are committed to staying up to date with the latest government and commercial specifications, ensuring that products are compliant and cost-effective.
Whether it’s Performance Based Logistics, S1000D, S3000L, MIL-STD-40051, or GEIA-STD-0007, our team has the expertise to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our customers. We are proud to offer Raytheon’s EAGLE Logistics Toolset (ELT) and look forward to helping our customers improve their logistics support capabilities.
Raytheon’s EAGLE mission is to provide integrated tools to create, modernize and sustain products throughout the product life cycle. These integrated tools include:
• EAGLE Logistic Product Data
• EAGLE Publishing System (EPS)
• EAGLE EPS Web Portal
• Eagle Vision
• EAGLE Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS)
• EAGLE Publishing System (EPS)
• EAGLE EPS Web Portal
• Eagle Vision
• EAGLE Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS)