Eagle Publishing System
The EAGLE Publishing System is a Common Source Database (CSDB) that allows users to manage their technical publications in a standardized format (XML and SGML). The EPS allows the users to author and manage their technical content utilizing built in workflow and configuration management with an integrated XML editor included with the software.

Robust and intuitive software for the authoring and management of electronic technical manuals.
EPS was designed by the Raytheon EAGLE team from the ground up to be fast, powerful, intuitive, and robust. It incorporates many users requested features to facilitate rapid data production and includes program management functions that facilitate on-time production at minimal cost. Easy-to-use productivity tools and features assist the technical writers to produce and validate content quickly and accurately.
• Authoring
o EPS includes a fully integrated SGML/XML editor with real-time what-you-see-is-what-you-get content view and navigation. The editor can search the database and assist the author to create references to internal and external objects.
o It continuously checks the content for schema validity and conformance with the business rules, helping technical authors produce data quickly and accurately.
• LSA Data
o Utilizing LSA data in a technical publication is seamless with the EPS and the EAGLE LPD tool. This allows the existing data to be re-used and remain in sync with the technical publication.
o Engineering changes can be immediately incorporated into a publication using the “Build from EAGLE” tool.
• Publishing
o Included is a very powerful publishing engine which allows publications to be output in PDF or IETM format. The tailorable stylesheets allow for customized output to fulfil the demands of the customer.
• Specification Support
o EPS supports S1000D, MIL-STD-40051 and MIL-STD-3001 as well as other specs such as the JSF 2.1 and the FSAF 3.0 specification. The world-renowned EAGLE support will make sure that the latest version of each specification will be supported.
o EPS includes a fully integrated SGML/XML editor with real-time what-you-see-is-what-you-get content view and navigation. The editor can search the database and assist the author to create references to internal and external objects.
o It continuously checks the content for schema validity and conformance with the business rules, helping technical authors produce data quickly and accurately.
o Utilizing LSA data in a technical publication is seamless with the EPS and the EAGLE LPD tool. This allows the existing data to be re-used and remain in sync with the technical publication.
o Engineering changes can be immediately incorporated into a publication using the “Build from EAGLE” tool.
o Included is a very powerful publishing engine which allows publications to be output in PDF or IETM format. The tailorable stylesheets allow for customized output to fulfil the demands of the customer.
o EPS supports S1000D, MIL-STD-40051 and MIL-STD-3001 as well as other specs such as the JSF 2.1 and the FSAF 3.0 specification. The world-renowned EAGLE support will make sure that the latest version of each specification will be supported.